E-Newsletter Membership


Terms and Conditions
- 10 Session Package expiries in 3 months.

- Except for freezable packages, no package can be frozen or extended.

- For freezable packages: To be able to freeze your package you need to notify YogaŞala of the beginning and end of the freezing period at least 2 days prior to your freeze date.

- No refunds for workshop, package or session payments.

- The freezable packages are only available for 3 and 12 month memberships. Clients with a 3 or 12 month unlimited existing package can upgrade to a freezable package by paying the difference between the packages.

- YogaŞala reserves the right to change all workshops, majoring in yoga programs, yoga packages, membership and participation rights..

* Standard freezable packages can be frozen only once and not more than 1 month.
YogaŞala Gift Card Terms of Use
1- Gift cards can be provided from all YogaŞala studios and can be used at any YogaŞala studio.

2- Gift card is the monetary value of the product and/or package that is written on the reverse side. If requested by the customer, Instead of package/product names, the value of the gift can be written in TL as well.

3- If the product and/or package that is being gifted is no longer active at YogaŞala at redemption, the value of the gift card can be used for an active yoga package and/or product..

4- The client has the option to buy another package and/or product instead of the product and/or package issued on the gift card. In that case, if the new product and/or package value is higher that the one issued on the gift card, the price difference will be collected during sales. If the new product and/or package value is lower that the one issued on the gift card, the remaining amount will be kept in the clients account to be used later. No cash refunds possible.

5- If case of any forgery on the gift card, data at YogaŞala will be taken into account..

E-Newsletter Membership
0212 241 00 67
0212 351 00 96
0216 330 50 31
Copyright (C) 2015 YogaŞala