Zeynep graduated University with a degree in Economics. She was first introduced to yoga in 2019. As she continued on her yoga path she realized that she was feeling more complete when she incorporated facial exercises into her regular yoga practice. Thus, she took a step towards discovering holistic healing in a way that felt true to her. She received the Yoga Alliance-approved Face Yoga & Gymnastics Specialist certificate in 2021. Zeynep then turned to explore Facial Reflexology with it’s natural connection to Qigong. Zeynep continues her training on facial reflexology and organ treatment and wrinkle removal with a specializing physiotherapist. She believes that we should do our best to improve the quality of our face through natural methods and with the power of knowledge. We should remember to focus on our face just like the practice and exercises we create for our body. Using healing oils and natural stones, she shares the process of bringing awareness to our face, which we see in the mirror every day. With the help of our hands we learned to release stress and bring about positive change to our entire face.